Uruguayan Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences


Hernán Delgado

Hernan Delgado

Hernán Delgado holds a degree in Biology from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Republic (UDELAR). He subsequently obtained a Master's degree in Biological Sciences with a specialization in Neurosciences and a PhD in Biological Sciences, both awarded by the Basic Sciences Development Program (PEDECIBA | MEC-UDELAR).
Currently, he is a professor in the Cognition program at the Institute of Fundamentals and Methods in Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology (UDELAR). In addition, he is part of the Center for Basic Research in Psychology (CIBPsi) and the Interdisciplinary Center on Cognition for Teaching and Learning (CICEA). He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), at the Initiation level.

His research focuses on the early development of cognitive and affective processes, especially self-regulation, and is based on contemporary developmental theories such as the systemic-relational approach and evolutionary theory. He adopts an integrative approach that encompasses psychological processes (emotional and behavioral), neurobiological functioning (stress response), and ecological factors (socioeconomic stress and community violence). He is also interested in practical applications, especially in the design of evidence-based interventions that promote equitable developmental opportunities for children in contexts of social inequality.

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