Uruguayan Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences



Antonella Arrieta

Graduated in Biochemistry from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Republic (Udelar) and graduated from the Master's Degree in Biological Sciences in the area of Neurosciences from the Basic Sciences Development Program (PEDECIBA) of Udelar. Currently, he is developing his Doctorate in Biological Sciences from PEDECIBA.

He works as a Gdo teacher. 2 of the Neuroscience Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences. Her research focuses on the study of human behavior, particularly the affective, cognitive and chronobiological aspects of mothers and children. He is part of the interdisciplinary research group in Chronobiology (http://cronobiologia.fcien.edu.uy/), which is part of her doctorate “Synchronization of biological rhythms in the mother-child and mother-father dyad”. His PhD is supervised by Dr. Ana Silva and co-supervised by Dr. Erik Herzog (Washington University in St. Louis, USA) and Dr. Pascal Vrticka (University of Essex, UK).
She is also part of the interdisciplinary group Cognition in Action, within which a study is developed on the integration of non-verbal communication skills in children during the school stage and the influence of the caregiver.

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