Uruguayan Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences


Ignacio Esteban photo

Ignacio Estevan

He received a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of the Republic (Udelar) in 2006. Later, in 2018, he graduated with a master's degree in Biological Sciences in the area of Neurosciences from the Human Development Program. Basic Sciences of the Udelar. In 2022 he completed his Doctorate in Biological Sciences from the Udelar Basic Sciences Program.

He joined the Faculty of Psychology as a teacher in 2008 and is currently part of the Neuropsychology and Neurobiology program belonging to the Institute of Fundamentals and Methods in Psychology. He was a professor in Secondary Education, a professor at the Faculty of Sciences, and has been invited as a visiting professor to foreign universities such as the Complutense of Madrid (Spain), the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (Mexico) and the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil).

Its area of action focuses on the study of human behavior in its triple bio-psycho-social dimension, with an emphasis on the evolutionary perspective. He is part of the interdisciplinary research group in Chronobiology (http://cronobiologia.fcien.edu.uy/), where he has developed his research characterizing sleep and chronotypes in young people, studying the factors that shape them, and the consequences of the lack of synchrony between individual preferences and social demands on physical and mental health.

To date, he has produced numerous peer-reviewed scientific publications, including “Challenged by extremely irregular school schedules, Uruguayan adolescents only set their waking time. Journal of Adolescence, 2022”; “Should I study or should I go (to sleep)? The influence of test schedule on the sleep behavior of undergraduates and its association with performance” and “Short sleep duration and extremely delayed chronotypes in Uruguayan youth: The role of school start times and social constraints. Journal of Biological Rhythms.”

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