Uruguayan Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences



Andrea Goldin

Biologist and doctor in physiological sciences (University of Buenos Aires); He has a higher diploma in education and new technologies (Flacso). She is an associate researcher at CONICET (Argentina) in the Neuroscience Laboratory of the Torcuato Di Tella University, where Mate Marote directs, and she is president of the Expedition Science Civil Association.

Is Fellow of Learning Sciences Exchange (Jacobs Foundation and New America) and Science of Learning (IBRO and IBE-UNESCO). Active communicator of the exact and natural sciences, she is the author of “Neuroscience at school. Friendly guide (and without blah blah) to understand how the brain works during learning” (Siglo XXI editors), recognized as the best Education Book 2021-2022 (Isay Klasse award).

She is a professor and teaches classes in neuroscience at the undergraduate level and educational neuroscience at the postgraduate level at different national and international institutions and universities.


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