Uruguayan Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences

Course: «Contributions of Cognitive Sciences to Education: socio-emotional bases of learning»

We are pleased to announce the start of the second course of the year:

Contributions of Cognitive Sciences to Education: socio-emotional bases of learning.


This course, organized by the Interdisciplinary Center on Cognition for Teaching and Learning and by SUCCC, will provide an approach to cognitive science knowledge about socio-emotional bases, with special emphasis on the educational environment.

Responsible coordinator: Veronica Nin

Start date: August 3rd

Recipients: teachers, teachers and educators of all levels.

Modality:  Virtual. 6 meetings are proposed. The course contents, along with the suggested bibliography, will be available through the course's EVA platform.

Encounters: Saturdays from 09:00 to 12:00.

Assessment:  Final evaluation through the EVA platform integrating the topics covered in each module. Formative self-assessment instances will be offered throughout the course.


Registration costs $1500 and is done through the following link:  https://forms.gle/3rW87jMeEagu6Eu99


For more information or questions:  cursoaportes@gmail.com

Or visit the website for more details: https://www.cicea.ei.udelar.edu.uy/category/novedades/

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